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Hand painted Oil painting original Art Landscape Tree on canvas 24×36

It is 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas, Not a Printer, Poster, Not a Transfer. The size is 24x36inch=60cmx90cm. Will be mailed in a roll tube. This is a Actual Photo of my painting. And under five stars show a bad standing for me. We commit to offer you the best products and services. We could do customized oil painting in any size. We are happy to paint it for you as your Request. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.

Hand painted Oil painting original Art Portrait man on canvas 30×30

It is 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas, Not a Printer, Poster, Not a Transfer. The size is 30x30inch=76cmx76cm. Will be mailed in a roll tube. This is a Actual Photo of my painting. And under five stars show a bad standing for me. We commit to offer you the best products and services. We could do customized oil painting in any size. We are happy to paint it for you as your Request. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.

Hand painted Oil painting original Art Portrait man boy on canvas 30×40

It is 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas, Not a Printer, Poster, Not a Transfer. The size is 30x40inch=76cmx102cm. Will be mailed in a roll tube. This is a Actual Photo of my painting. And under five stars show a bad standing for me. We commit to offer you the best products and services. We could do customized oil painting in any size. We are happy to paint it for you as your Request. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.

Hand painted Oil painting original Art Portrait man on canvas 24×36

It is 100% hand painted oil painting on canvas, Not a Printer, Poster, Not a Transfer. The size is 24x36inch=60cmx90cm. Will be mailed in a roll tube. This is a Actual Photo of my painting. And under five stars show a bad standing for me. We commit to offer you the best products and services. We could do customized oil painting in any size. We are happy to paint it for you as your Request. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.