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Lamaji mural Large original art 9′ x 7′ acrylic on canvas #87 Spiraitual masters

Lamaji mural Large original art 9′ x 7′ acrylic on canvas #87 Spiraitual masters. Chogyaam rinpoche, sai baba sarada devi ntyananda, yogi bhajan bawa muhaiyadin etc. Title is Men are made of earth, made of stars and the dreams of the sea.

Lamaji Murals Large Original art 9′ x 7′ acrylic on Canvas Yoga masters

Portraits of Yoga Masters Sri aurobindo, the Mother, Nitchananda, said baba, Yogi Bhajan, Rudi swami rudrananda, Bawa Muhaiadin,, and others..

Lamaji Mural Large original art acrylic on canvas 8′ 4 x 6′ 3 after kandinsky

Lamaji Mural Large original art acrylic on canvas 8′ 4″ x 6′ 3″ after kandinsky. Titled gates of kiev.

Lamaji mural Large 7′ x 9′ original art acrylic on canvas

Lamaji mural Large 7′ x 9′ original art acrylic on canvas. Americana uncommon spiritual and moral fiber in portraits of americans. Langston Hughes, carl sandburg marion anderson, harrier becher stowe, harriet tubman thoreau. Louis armstrong, jim thorpe, walt whitman… A stark, raw and unadorned series of nine portraits of americans of moral fiber..

Lamaji mural large original art acrylic on canvas after van gogh

Lamaji mural lerge original art acrylic on canvas after van gogh. Simple, intuitive, naif after van gogh. The nine frames create a unique. Feeling and presence of van gogh.