Tuesday, September 19th, 2023
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ELVIS & on BUMPER CARS with DATE! Artist showed with Howard Finster, KATA BILLUPS

TITLE: Elvis on the BUMPER CARS… (hand painted across the bottom lip of the frame). I also have several well known actors, film-makers, musicians. And professional athlete collectors. A partial list includes: Julia Roberts, Jimmy Vaughan, Willie Nelson. For more information please see. ARTIST’S DESCRIPTION OF PAINTING. In this vignette from my imagination. NOTE: about my HOWARD Finster CONNECTION. I had a joint show with the late great Reverend Howard shortly before he died. Some of my folk styled work is influenced by him- not only stylistically but by virtue of the fact that he was (to me) the ultimate preacher/painter. Howard often took common recognizable objects (like his giant coke bottle piece) and plastered the image with Bible sayings. Almost as if he were a naive forerunner of subliminal influences in art and culture. The second to last pic. Is of me and Howard around 1998 at our joint show shortly before his death. This piece is 27 high. And 31″ across and 5″ deep. Hanging apparatus on back. It is category 3. These are the most time-consuming, most expensive and generally the largest in scale of. They are owned by hundreds of Private Individuals and many Museums worldwide. One Primary Original work of art can take weeks, months or even years to create. For decades I created an average of five to twenty pieces of this large, time-consuming. Type work per year. Of work see 5. Below, work on writing and publishing some of my books and. These are generally the second most time-consuming and expensive of my works. They are entirely hand-painted VERSIONS of certain Primary Original Paintings. Pieces and wanted something similar but not necessarily as expensive. They are similar to but in no way identical to the PRIMARY ORIGINALS. After which they take their inspiration. They are also not merely a re-painting of my. PRIMARY ORIGINALS because each one contains new artistic- discoveries. Never occurred in the PRIMARY ORIGINALS. I typically spent two to five weeks on each piece. They sometimes (but not always) have unique frames which I embellished with one-of-a-kind. Mattes and vintage objects de’ art and unusual titles. They are framed in many ways; simply. Ornately, or were painted on gallery wrap canvas or on furniture (which requires no frame). All these pieces are ethically technically legally (and in every way) Original Paintings. Out this category of work entirely. Continuing in order of price, t. Hese were typically the third most expensive type of work. They are are similar to my VERSIONS of WORK see category 2. First of all, I created more of them than of category 2, they were as. Close to being identical to the PRIMARY ORIGINALS as possible had no new creative. Developments within them with the important exception of the frames which were often very. Unusual or elaborate and embellished with one-of-a-kind mattes and vintage objects de’ art. They were painted on a variety of surfaces wood, canvas, mirrors, small. They were entirely hand-painted REPLICAS of some of my. These pieces generally required days or sometimes weeks. They are legally and ethically also Original Paintings in their own right. Created between twenty to one hundred of these per year, but began phasing them out entirely. SMALL GALLERY WRAP CANVAS REPLICA ORIGINALS. This was a new category- (created in 2021). I originally created less than 50 of these. And will never create any more. For more on REPLICA ORIGINALS see 3 above. Canvases are painted on all sides and do not have frames. But have hanging apparatus. ENHANCED REPLICA ORIGINAL PAINTINGS PARTIALLY HAND-PAINTED, WITH ORIGINAL. Perhaps the last category of my career (new to the market near the beginning of 2023). Consists of select REPLICA ORIGINALS that I wanted to enhance for further meaning. They differ from the PRIMARY ORIGINALS in ways similar to my VERSIONS OF WORK in that. Have new elements within that I create using a combination of my original digital. Created on a special lightweight material I’ve sourced that. Has outstanding light-fastness and durability. The hand painting; (being partial). Pieces in this category. Some of the most affordable. Riginal pieces in their own right. (due to my hand- painting) t. Are far more valuable than a signed limited. Edition or remarqued piece. KATA’s prints are produced on extra heavy card stock paper with a gloss finish using the most. Expensive state of the art equipment. Each one is signed and dated.