November, 2023
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Hand painted Oil painting original Art Landscape flower on canvas 36×48
This is a real hand painted oil painting on canvas. 100% Hand Painted by an Artist.
Blooming Dahlia Painting Original Floral Oil On Canvas Impressionist Art 12×16
Blooming Dahlias garden art landscape oil painting canvas original, Art painting flowers, Bloom Flower painting, Bright and colorful florals wall art, small painting of flowers 12×16. Blooming Dahlias PAINTING ORIGINAL ARTWORK.
Original Oil On Canvas Lighthouse Seascape Painting Signed Hughes
Please see photos for condition. This stunning art piece is an original oil on canvas painting by a talented artist named Hughes. It depicts a beautiful seascape with a lighthouse in the distance, and it is signed by the artist. The painting is medium-sized, with dimensions of 18 inches in length, 16 inches in height, and 3 inches in width. The canvas is framed and has a contemporary art style, which makes it a perfect addition to any modern home. It is handmade with care and attention to detail, using high-quality materials such as oil paint. This is an original piece of art, not a licensed reproduction, and it is perfect for art lovers who appreciate unique and authentic pieces.
Hand painted Original Oil Painting art Portrait Chinese girl lantern on canvas
Artist:Zhang Zhi Xin.
Original Art Oil on Canvas Painting Orchestra Conductor 1970s Vintage 36 x 36
Artist original oil on canvas abstract painting of an orchestra conductor.
An Orange. Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. 8x 8. Original. New Bill McLane
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas.
Arabian horse Art Original Oil? Painting On Canvas 14×18 New
Thank you for your those whom interest in my Artworks. Frank Young has been teaching and drawing/painting at his home studio in City of Sierra Madre, California for more than two decades. Frank’s unique style is a strong reflection of his classical training in traditional fine art, which is also a direct influence of digital art in our modern era. His unique style is apparent in his use of color. It’s a balancing act between value and color. It produces brilliant transitions throughout the painting process.