Acrylic painting on canvas by original artist

Acrylic painting on canvas by original artist
Acrylic painting on canvas by original artist

Acrylic painting on canvas by original artist
This beautiful acrylic painting on canvas is a one-of-a-kind piece created by the talented CM Lopez. The painting measures 20 inches in length and 16 inches in width, making it a perfect addition to any art collection. The painting is an original, handmade piece and is signed by the artist. It was produced in 2019 using acrylics and features a stunning scene that will captivate your imagination. The painting’s region of origin is Florida, USA, and it is perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of handmade art. Whether you’re an art collector or just looking for a unique piece to add to your home, this painting is a must-have.
Acrylic painting on canvas by original artist

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