Large Warli Painting Maybe Bhimsen Kondya Koti Signed AS IS Maharashtra 44×25

30% of this sale will go back to India via the organization Blind Foundation for India. This painting came from an Indian estate in the Dallas TX area. It is on stretched canvas and needs to be restretched and remounted, as the canvas is loose. The surface of the painting has seem some wear but it does not stand out when you are viewing the piece. The couple traveled the world, primarily collecting folk art from India and Latin America. I suspect most of their collection was acquired between the 1970s and 1990s. The name is the closest translation I could find and I included an article about the artist. Warli paintings were traditionally themed, which is another reason I suspect this one is older. This theme appears to be about birth and harvest. Materials used to make paint include ground rice, gum, mud, and cow dung. Brushes were traditionally made with bamboo. I will say that the red-brown background is extremely typical of traditional Warli art.

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